Tuesday, August 29, 2006

America Is Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes, Abominations of the Earth

America is Babylon the Great. All you have to do is read Revelation chapters 17 and 18 about the fall of Babylon the Great. Read the other end times chapters in the old testement prophetic books about the fall of Babylon, Jeremiah chapters 50 & 51, Isaiah chapters 13, 21, 46, 47.

So God says Wake Up, Wake Up.

Read the description of her with an open mind, here are some of the highlights. She sits on many waters, (Revelation 17:15). God calls her oh arrogant one. God says she has written on her forehead Mystery, Mother of Prostitutes, Babylon the Great, (Revelation 17:5). God says she will teach the nations on the earth to become like her. America teaches that wealth and luxeries are more important than anything even God. God says she adorns herself in great wealth that is made by buying luxerious goods from all the nations of the earth (Revelation 17:4, 18:3, 18:11-13, 18:19-20).

Quit resetting your alarm to snore, God says Wake up, Wake up.

For god says that Babylon the Great, America is the threshing floor at the time it is trampled and judged, resulting in a greater world harvest of souls because she fell, (Jeremiah51:33). God also says Babylon The Great, America will be the boast of the whole earth right before she is judged by God, (Jeremiah 51:41), fallen in one day, one hour. For this reason the merchants of the earth weep when she falls, (Revelation 18:14-17), because they can no longer become wealthy by selling goods to her.

God says to flee Babylon for her judgement are piled to heaven.

It appears also that God also brings down New Jerusalem the Great City God Built from heaven approximately seven years after the fall of Babylon the Great, mother of Harlots, Abominations of the Earth, America, (Revelation chapter 21), a city whose measurements are 1,400 miles by 1,400 miles by a height of 1,400 miles, (Revelation 21:16). This great city built by God will be larger than man's great city, America, built by the nations of the world. At about half the size of America's mainland, this city country will also be fourteen hundred miles high, shaped like a mountain/pyramid.

Wake up, Wake up.

She rides the antichrist nations like a horse and steers them, (Revelation 17:3). God says he will judge her harshly by overwhelming her borders by sending foreigners into her land. She is found riding the antichrist beast in the desert, (Revelation 17:3). The Kings of the earth become wealthy because of her.

Read Zachariah the prophet chapter 5 prophesing while he was in the lessor Babylon. He talks about a measuring basket that measures wickedness in a distant future land of Babylonia, this woman is the Mystery, Mother of Harlots and of the abominations of the earth, America,USA. Notice the cover on the basket of wickedness, lead, to stop Nuclear proliferment. For judgement is coming to America for all the innocent blood that is being shed on her land everywhere.

You cannot stop this for it is already written by the prophets. Just get your hearts soft and let God come into your life and mold you for he is the potter and you are the clay, for the end of the book is already written, we win, they lose big. We will all be in New Jerusalem soon!

Also notice who the enemies are that cause the fall of babylon by coming from the north, (Jeremiah 51:48) that God raises up to judge babylon in addition to God's judgement. There is persia (Iran), Media (Russia & north of Iran northeast of the Caspian sea ), Ararat,Minni and Ashkenaz, (Armenians, S.E. Turkey, N.E. Syria,Northern Iraq and Northwestern Iran), in a huge army swarm like locusts, (Jeremiah 51:27-29). For God says they will come through the north, most likely the Russian army with terrorists through Alaska and terrorists over the Canadian border, (Jeremiah 51:48).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Prophet of the Most High GOD 'I AM'

You are more then correct America Is Babylon the Great.

New York is the city which will burn first as nations delivering goods offshore will watch it burn and know now no one will buy their goods anylonger.

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not judging you, however, how do you know that N.Y. is going to be the 1st to burn, is not L.A. just as wicked, or how about Detroit, MI, or Phoenix, AZ. If I told you I was a scribe of the True God and I could prove it to you, would you still become jealous? I think you think to hard, let the Holy Spirit guide you and your hand and prove to me that you ARE a Prophet, can you prove that you are not a false prophet?

11:53 PM  
Blogger I do likewise, John 3:30 said...

just so you all know, i have some research here, that makes it appear that Mecca could be the woman that rides the scarlet beast:


i figure, if it isn't Mecca right now, than it isn't any city anywhere yet.

1:29 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

The meaning of city in ancient times was not what you think of city today, rather it was defined as nation. Islamic countries are the Antichrist nations, America is Babylon the Great. There is too much scripture to support this for it to be anything else. When we read Revelation 18:1-24 scripture tells us that Babylon will be the Richest nation on earth, that buys goods from all the other nations making them wealthy. This great whore will stear a beast riding it that has many kings. This beast defeats the nations of the earth with an army that are like locusts in which fire goes before them, (nukes).

1:50 PM  
Blogger Margaret said...

Should we as instructed, "come out of her" now?

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi im new to this forum i hope i can help out & give something back here because i have learned a huge amount myself.


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1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's interesting, but you should consider the symbolism of the Wild Beast. Refer to Daniel and the 4 beasts coming from the sea, just as the wild beast is described in Revelation.

Notice how there is a concentration on the number of heads, and the number of diadems. They are not there by chance, but rather the number is significant. Just think, nations ever since the beginning have been trying to eliminate God from their thinking, and trying to constitute themselves independent from God; for Satan has given them the idea since Adam and Eve.

In short, the Wild Beast does not represent one individual, or one nation, but all nations. False religion is represented by Babylon the Great and she is riding on the nations, but the nations will turn against her. Just think of how much blood shed that has been done in the name of religion. Especially recently with religion being a motive behind terrorism. Religion will be seen as a threat, therefore, the nations will turn against religion. But as according to the merchants in Revelation, it won't be a big deal for most. This is because religion has lost its importance in the lives of many, and patriotism has been more important.

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's so true. what trips me out is these american preachers want to say "the end is near, the time is near" but then say somewhere in the middle east babylon the great will rise to power.
the truth is, they would have to confess that if the end were as close as we think it is, only america would fit the bill 100%. nobody else comes close to it

8:12 AM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

Margaret, scripture does teach that we are to come out of Babylon the Great now. I do not have my bible with me since the only computers i have available are the library's but here is my comment to you. Babylon the Great has been around in different forms siince the beginning of the Fall of Garden of Eden. Isaiah ~ chapter 13states Lucifer is the invisible king. Now some Christians think this is why Antichrist will rise from-America-not so-here is why: Book revelation states Antichrist nations come from just east of Eurphrates, beheads tribulation Saints- all to line up and fulfill as 70 year prophecy, ending 2018. So, Babylon the Great has been since the beginning. Book of Daniel holds key on understand who Babylon the Great is-She is described in three forms in the bible-City of Babel*Later Babylon to Empire-now as Babylon the Great as the final fall-America. So what is this- The only thing that works with all scripture- Babylon the Great is described by Daniel as having the False gods of gold, silver, stones, bronze and iron-these all clearly are MATERIALISM-been around since fall of materialism. C.S. Lewis said materialism becomes mainstream when the industrialization of society occurs all leading to atheism. Materialism leads to atheism. So when we must come out of Babylon the Great this means we must come out of her system so she has no or less control of our lives-selling our homes, buyimg smaller home in cash or living in apartment-stocking food and paying only cash for everything-quit being a slave to the system and working six days a week. Slowing down to minister for family members to get ready to leave Babylon the Great by being raptured. Move to a smaller town or the country away from the violence-these things are all leaving Babylon-think spiritually-God would not want you to abandon family members but to get rid of the materialism-turn tv's off-or watch less-these are all leaving Babylon. Only God Holy Spirit can lead you in this matter- remember Abraham-called out of Ur-Ur was Babylon. all the countries in the west-all want to become rich like Americans- nothing but WHORE trainees for America, Babylon the Great.

1:38 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...


I agree. Anyone today who claims they are a prophet doesn't understand that the time of the prophet has ended. This is why in Revelation they are called witnesses, not prophets, for all the prophets of our generation are false.

9:22 AM  
Blogger Bible student said...

she will be destroyed on 12-21-2012

4:41 PM  
Blogger Bible student said...

dear author
you must have heard about what the mayans said about destruction on 12-21-2012, the day the world moves from one age to the next. According to historians, the mayans think the whole world is going to end. But I think only the place that represents evil in the world is going to end. And this place is Babylon, i.e. America. I dont think God would leave us clueless as to what would happen on that day, i think the destruction which the mayans are talking about is about America. As chapter 18 says, first she would face diseases and famine. I would look for signs of diseases and famine in the year 2012. Diseases and famine would confirm that America is on its way to be destroyed on 12-21-2012 (or the 23rd according to some researchers).

4:46 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

This is the thing. It occurred to me that biblical prophecy always repeats its self. History does too. Just as the first coming of Christ it will also be during the 2nd coming. When Christ was birthed by the virgin Mary everyone expec ted it. The pious and evil ones expected it. Even evil King Herod was searching and looking for the Messiah aka King of Kings. yet the evil somehow didn't understand the significance, yet all prophecy, false and good seemed to converge at that point in time. The false prophets and humanists of that time were also expecting something big to happen. in retrospect we know that thing happened very differently than they thought, never the less they still expected the Christ. They still knew in their souls something big was coming, for God planted that as a warning in their souls but they misinterpreted it. Even Judas, the Son of Perdition, thought Christ came to rule and free the Jewish nation from their Roman over-lords. This is the same Judas that seen Christ accomplish all those miracles, yet all Judas could do is get mixed up in the bloody politics of the day to his own fall, never understanding or letting Christ's words pierce his soul.

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for this nice tips 147896325

7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, "thecomingwitnesses". That's what the Lord has shown me; most of the church today is in apostasy here in America, and they need to 'wake up' (they need to read the ten virgins, the 5 wise and 5 foolish). Things are moving fast, and we don't have much time left to spread the Gospel. Now is the time for repentance and Salvation! "Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved". Wake up fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord; don't get 'imprisoned' by this deceiving society!

4:22 AM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

God bless you all. I have many more sermons on prophecy on Xanga under RobertLeeRE. It is always blessed to meet other Christians that have awoken up as to who Babylon the Great really is. According to Isaiah chapter 14 Babylon's king is Satan. Babylon has been around since the fall in the garden of Eden. We don't really see it until the Tower of Babel, later becoming the City of Babylon, Empire of babylon and its final form of Babylon the Great,;AKA America.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Lee Stuvmen said...

Most beloved, it is one thing to believe because one has reasoned of their own mind.

It is another to believe because of facts.

In Daniel Scripture tells us there are to be 4 worldly kingdoms.

If prophesy is HISTORY WRITTEN IN ADVANCE, then it would behoove those that truly seek truth to examine documented human history.

ALL that is written here is verifiable by history and Scripture.

In Daniel it clearly states that the first three kingdoms, IN ORDER, were to be Babylon, Medes/Persians, then Greece.

This was written before history proved these prophecies correct.

The fourth world power was to be diverse from the first three kingdoms and was to last until the second coming of Christ.

Rome was the fourth world superpower.

According to modern sensibilities, Rome collapsed over 1500 years ago. However, this is not truth.

If one studies history one will find that the Roman emperors held the "title" PONTIFEX MAXIMUS, which translated means "greatest bridge builder" between the pagan gods and humans.

A Pagan Jesus Christ if you will.

This title was transferred to Roman Catholic Popes prior to the "fall" of Rome, transforming Rome into a RELIGIOUS POWER, diverse from the 1st 3.

In fact, the title Pontifex Maximus has been a world superpower title for almost 2300 years.(since Rome became the last superpower around 287 B.C.

It interesting that 2300 days, (a year for a day) are mentioned in Daniel until the sancuary is cleansed.

Pontifex Maximus Constantine adopted Sunday as sacred, thinking to change times from God's 7th day rest (Sabbath) when he declared Christianity the state religion of Rome.

In Revelation 17 we are told the mystery of the Scarlet beast with seven heads and the woman that is carried by the beast.

We are told that the seven heads are seven MOUNTAINS.

If one reads Daniel 2, we are told that a MOUNTAIN = KINGDOM that will stand forever.

Also in Daniel we are told the 4 beasts are 4 KINGS a.k.a. KINGDOMS (Babylon, Media Persia, Greece, Rome)that will arise from the earth.

Using this prophetic vocabulary we understand that the seven heads are seven Kingdoms that will support and carry Pontifex Maximus Christianity.

Is this truth?

The first kingdom to support Pontifex Maximus Christianity was Rome itself.

The second World Superpower to support P.M. Christianity was Portugal.

The third was Spain.

The fourth was France.

The fifth to support Pontifex Maximus Christianity was England.


John is standing in the time of the sixth head/mountain/kingdom that rules over the kings of the earth.

The sixth world superpower to observe the Pontifex Maximus's SUBSTITUTE day of Sunday is....
The U.S.A.

In most prophetic writings a WOMAN denotes a church, but in Revelation17:18 we are told this woman is that Great City(babylon) that rules over the kings of the earth.

Pontifex Maximus Christianity is inseperable from American society, just as when Spaniards killed all those that would not convert to it.

Revelation 18 goes on to set qualifiers for this Great City that is to be destroyed in one hour by 10 kings without kingdoms.

One should understand that the King of Spain HAS his kingdom as does the king of any other country.

However, was not Osama Bin Laden a king with a army but no kingdom.

Islamic extremists have vowed the DESTRUCTION of the U.S.A.

What would happen to Chinese merchants if the U.S.A. was destroyed?

How do all of their goods reach the U.S.A.? By Ship?

What of ships built SOLELY to deliver goods to a nation that was totally destroyed?

Of course the facts and proof continue to mount to support that the Great City Babylon IS the U.S.A., but a deceived world believes whatever is fashionable to it's deceived mind.

So believe as you will.

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for the good information that you have shared with us.

I have a question. I also believe America is Babylon, but does that also include Hawaii and Alaska, because Revelation 16:18 & 19, says Babylon is divided into three parts by an earthquake. Hawaii and Alaska are not connected to the 48 States.

In Jeremiah 50:23, says Babylon is "Broken". In Hebrew, the word "Broken" means... to burst, Break (down, off, IN PIECES...

Is Babylon just the 48 States? Hawaii was just recently added to America only about 60 years ago.

Would going to Hawaii be coming out of Babylon?

I have heard that some of the people in Hawaii say that they are not part of the United States.

Thank you for your help!

In the Name Yah Yahshua

1:08 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

The question you pose is a good question indeed. I had a whole sermon I wrote posing and attemping to answer this very quest. Xanga might make you sign in to see this, their funny like that. They might even make you sign up for a free blog. On the other hand you will be able to see the rest of my sermons on prophecy. This is actually not my main blog. Most of what I have written are on Xanga under the pen name RobertLeeRE. Here is the lnk though:
Basicly what I say is this: babylon the Great has been there since the beginning of the fall in the Garden of Eden. We know this because Isaiah 14:1:21 says the King of Babylon is Satan himself so Babylon represents something that has been around since the fall. The scriptures that prove this are that the tower of Babel was the first city man built after the last judgment of mankind, Genesis 11:1-9. We also see it as the last city (Nation) judged that falls by lord almighty, revelation 18:1-24. Yet all of heaven shouts and celebrates when she falls as if she represents so much more than just one powerfull nation to fall in one day and one hour, Revelation 19:1-8. Yet Revelation 18:24 says all the prophets were killed by her means she represents something that takes the form of a final nation. Yet she cannot be the Antichrist or Antichrist nations for she is defeated by the Antichrist nations, Revelation 17:16, which clearly says the beast and 10 horns actually destroy her. Revelation 17:9 says she actually sits (steering) on these beast nation which seems to mean she controls their politions, controls and installs dictators. revelation 18:7-8 says she will be consumed on her head with a double portion of her own medicine (nukes)of fire in one day one hour which seems to be at the same time the world has a nuclear war instigated and won by the Antichrist nations which usher in the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur, Revelation 9:17-20. Verse 20 clearly says all mankind still did not repent and stop worshipping these same idols of Babylon, Revelation 9:20; Daniel 5:22-24. So the idols are the same so Babylon the Great we know is America snd 1/3 of mankind dies in this horrible nuclear exchange Revelation 9:17-20. So we must ask how this can occur since the west has such an advanced nuclear nissle and antimissle technology. The only answer is suitcase nukes, they are the only checkmate that will come out of Islam that the west cannot stop. we cannot even plug and build a fence on our south border. Now to answer your quest: How do we leave Babylon the Great? Babylon the Great is Materialism-- C.S. Lewis--"all Atheism comes from Materialism." Some even call Atheists Materialists. This materialism has caused all wars since the beginning when one country (city) wants to take what the other has whether gold silver, women, children, the list goes on and on. To leave materialism (Babylon the Great) we do not have to physically leave the country. Just sell everything, cut your ties of slavery to the banks, start living liek a minimalist lives, get away from the big cities, move to the little country towns for this is areas to celebrate teh leaving of materialism. get away from bothe east and west coasts if at all possible to the middle part of teh country. get out of the big cities for they will soon be all destroyed by earthcuakes. leave materialism, circe the wagons and spend more time with loved ones, minister the gosple more to them, get away from that job working 80 hours weekly. This is all leaving Babylon. For Babylon the Great is America, but she is the Mother Whore, training all nations to become like her, Revelation 17:4-5.

2:26 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

Also-Yes Hawaiee and Alaska are babylon the Great. All the nations that are copying her materialism,to become like her are her trainee nations. so it is quite possible they will also take place in the plagues fire, smoke and sulfur. If your Jew leave America and go back to Israel. If your a recent immigrant leave if you have no family keeping you in America. If your like the rest of us you have nowhere to go, but you can leave her materialism which is what she is, see Revelation 18:1-24 for a description of her materialism. For no one spreads Atheism more then Babylon the Great America.

2:46 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

Dear Brother Lee,

While I do not agree with your claims I will post your claims for all to see. I do feel the evidence for what you believe is scant at best. But even you admitted, the scriptural evidence is mounting against you. No offense meant,we are just at different ends of the spectrum on this one. Your beliefs I would guess come from either Seventh day Adventist or Armstrongism. Could you give more specific quotes for what you believe please? I really do not see much scripural evidence for what you believe. And isn't that the only way to determine scriptural interpretation, by scriptural evidence? Everything you said lacks exactly that, scriptural evidence.

I think your statement that history proves scripture is a wrong way to interpret biblical prophecy. Scripture proves scripture, not history, as you said. In history there is kind of a grey area depending who's historical comments your reading and who your influenced by. If you do it this way there is no absolute.
Remember history does show a loving involved God, God's fingerprints on mankind. In some sense we can look at history and see scripture was fulfilled, but I do not see it as you said. Also if anything I see that history has proved against your claims, and like you said, "The evidence is mounting against you."
The ones time and again that are always wrong when mankind is entering a new dispensation are the current church theologians, the mainline theologians. We seen this with Pharisee and Sadducees and also when Paul came. Same thing happened with Martin Luther and Calvin. I have to tell you I have no idea where in Daniel you talking of nor this Pontifus Maximus thing you keep mentioning. Provide your supporting scriptures for what you believe not what some commentary said somewhere.
I know your view eventually says Antichrist rises from Europe and False Prophet is the Pope. There is absolutely no way a European Antichrist would start beheading Christians and Jews. The roots are Christianity and Christians love Israel too much. Plus Europe is no longer is under kings anymore. Remember Antichrist unites nations under his rule not brings civil war. Daniel does not clearly state the things you claim but if you give me specific scriptural quotes and not general claims as you have I will deal with them one by one as commentary.

God Bless
Still Praying...

Brother Robert

4:22 PM  
Anonymous Lee Stuvmen said...

First off, THANK YOU for posting my comments.

My point regarding history was; that if Prophecy IS history written in advance, would not history bear out the accuracy of prophecy?

In my personal studies of prophecy it has become apparent that Prophetic writings do not describe a kingdom as a kingdom, but uses a SUBSTITUTE word.

In Revelation 1:12 - 16 we are shown 7 CANDLESTICKS and 7 STARS.

In Revelation 1:20 we are shown that the CANDLESTICK = CHURCH, and the STAR = ANGEL.

So it became obvious that to understand prophetic writings, one would have to develop a PROPHETIC VOCABULARY.

In Daniel 2 we see an image that we are told represents 4 kingdoms that will arise out of the earth.

In Daniel 7:17, these 4 KINGDOMS are described as 4 BEASTS and 4 KINGS.

In Daniel 2:35 we are told of a MOUNTAIN that in Daniel 2:44 we are told is also a KINGDOM.

We are also told IN dANIEL 7:24 that a HORN can be a kingdom.

So if our prophetic vocabulary is developed strickly from the interpretation provided within Scripture, when we see a

would it be reasonable to replace that word with the word KINGDOM?

In Revelation 12 we see a WOMAN that brings forth a man child that will rule with a rod of iron.

Does the prophetic word WOMAN = CHURCH?

If this is truth, then would not a HARLOT = IMPURE CHURCH?

In Revelation 17:1 we see the harlot sit on many WATERS.

In Revelation 17:15 we are told the WATERS = PEOPLES, NATIONS, TONGUES.

IF SCRIPTURE PROVIDES these interpretations, would it be safe to assume the interpretation is correct?

IF our prophetic vocabulary is correct, then using this prophetic vocabulary, how does Revelation 17:1 - 18 REALLY read?

As far as the PONTIFEX MAXIMUS is concerned, get on the internet and research ancient Rome and the current Popes. It is easy enough to do, and is very interesting.

Also, read what God says in Exodus 31:13 - 18.

Then read about PONTIFEX MAXIMUS CONSTANTINE and his change to the first day from the seventh.

Who has more truth, God or the Pontifex Maximus? Who would YOU follow?

Just so there is NO CONFUSION, I belong to NO religious denomination.

I have found them all to be flawed.

What has been written is just SOME of the Scripture I drew from on my previous post.

I am not stating these things are truth, but they definitely have the appearance of standing the test for truth.

That is all I am saying.

God bless you for this forum.

May the Lord be with you.

7:15 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

Dear Lee,
once again welcome back to this blog. I think this response will seem better to you since my last response was before our discussion. Yes, once history is so far past, when you can look back upon the historical event and say that event played out exactly as prophesied. That I think can be an invaluable technique in some instances. For example since fulfillment of the Fig tree Prophecy in 1948 when Israel became a nation we know the last generation only gives a certain amount of years; before the 2nd Coming, before Babylon the Great falls, before America falls, before the Antichrist nations rise, before the rapture occurs. This way we can use history to provide evidence to direct us some in the interpretation of prophecy. This we wholeheartedly agree, I think.

I do agree with you also that there is a prophetic vocabulary. please understand from my point of view though. Everyone and I mean everyone comes up to me and says there is a prophetic vocabulary and then they pull out this long list from some old commentary of some denomination that their theologian published some writings, somewhere, on something. I, personally have found these to be highly inaccurate and unscriptural. On the other hand I have noticed in my studies certain words that are repeated by God over and over in various places in the bible, through concordance backtracking, and that if you consider all the verses God uses these words, how it was used possibly going back to the original Greek or Hebrew, a person could surmise that God is saying a little more then what the occasional reader would conclude. If this is what you mean yes I agree.
I will just give you my interpretation I have, though these things are written already as sermons. Then you can compare mine to yours, okay?
Ah here we go, I would not interpret, revelation chapter 12, the Woman that birthed the man child that ruled with the iron scepter (King of Kings). To me the woman is Israel (Mary, mother of Jesus), the man child is Jesus Christ. Remember: Christ birthed the church, not the other way around, the woman has to be Israel because of everything in the entire chapter 12. The Beast that wanted to eat the child is Satan. The flood to sweep Israel away is Islam, sent by the beast, the place the women is given to flee to in the desert given by God is Israel land they returned to in 1948. The two wings of a great eagle are Great Britain and America. Satan and angels flung to earth , possibly 1948, or beginning of Tribulation a 20 year period, for they know they have a short while, one generation. Visit me at my other blog on Xanga which has many more sermons then here.
the rest of this response in next response for wording too long.


Now on to Daniel chapter 7. Daniel chapter 7 must be interpreted in the context of the entire book of Daniel. lets Go.
I interpret the four Beasts of Daniel as all arising at the same time out of the waters being churned up in the last 70 years on earth, also called the last generation, Psalm 90:10. Judah went to Babylon for seventy years as prophesied by Jeremiah chapter 25. But there is a dual fulfillment in this prophesy. For when we read Jeremiah 25:33,25:15, 25:27-29 we see that God is also talking of the last seventy years period, last generation of mankind when all the earth will be judged, each according to whether his name is in the book of life or not, something like that.

9:33 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

Lee, here is the rest of the last response:

Now on to Daniel chapter 7. Daniel chapter 7 must be interpreted in the context of the entire book of Daniel. lets Go.
I interpret the four Beasts of Daniel as all arising at the same time out of the waters being churned up in the last 70 years on earth, also called the last generation, Psalm 90:10. Judah went to Babylon for seventy years as prophesied by Jeremiah chapter 25. But there is a dual fulfillment in this prophesy. For when we read Jeremiah 25:33,25:15, 25:27-29 we see that God is also talking of the last seventy years period, last generation of mankind when all the earth will be judged, each according to whether his name is in the book of life or not, something like that. this is some of my scriptural evidence that Daniel chapter 7 is about the last 70 years of mankind. The first beast is Lion that grew wings. This is Great Britain births America becomes Babylon the Great planting Materialism/Atheism all over the world. The 2nd Beast is Communism births Russian Bear, communism eats like bear, 3rd Beast like a Leopard, giant cat, Islam, the wings mean radicalized Islam. all four of these Beasts in my opinion have been around since the fall of creation in different forms. Revelation 17:1, 17:15 says this Mother of Prostitutes will be surrounded by many waters, America is by far surrounded by more waters than any nation on earth. revelation 17:15 says those waters are also peoples, tongues (languages), nations (people groups).Jeremiah 51:2, 51:44, is just some (and there is more all over the bible) is scripture evidence that to conclude Revelation 17:1 & 17:15 is anything other than saying that Babylon the Great is a great melting pot of peoples which America and America only qualifies.

I just do not see it as you, sorry.

God Bless

9:36 PM  
Anonymous here in 2012 said...

Well here I sit reading this article and comments...don't know how old some of these are, but I also agree...It sounds like America! I read that when I was younger, but it meant nothing to me really at that time. When I read it again in 2010...it popped out to me right away! Strange. As you all know many, many things have happen, and now we near the date everyone has been talking about {2012} I do believe the Hopi people, and have chosen to seek oneness with God, the earth and the animals. This has brought me much needed peace. We are at the crossroad...

10:43 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

Yes, thank you for visiting. I wrote this article almost 8 years ago. At that time it truly was a struggle to teach on this prophecy of WHO Babylon the Great was. The opposition was immense and people would get downright upset at the truth I preached from Revelation 18:1-24. Now it is 8 years later and so many have awoken like you as to how America is teh only nation on earth that fulfills Revelation 18:1-24.

God Bless,

Brother RobertLeeRE

1:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOMEBODY watch ken peters I saw the tribulation on youtube,,there is still a new money currency to come...before the destruction...

4:19 AM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

I watched him on You Tube. He looks like a good Minister to people with a Catholic background. I would NOT call him a prophet even though he calls himself and others call him that. Actually we are on the verge of the END of prophecy. Sound strange? Its true according to scripture there is a time, upon tribulation, which is our time when prophecy all ends, Zechariah 13:1-6. According to this scripture the title of prophet ends upon the Day of the Lord. The beginning of the Day of the Lord is the tribulation which is right at the door. When we look at Revelation 11:3 we see that the Two Witnesses are called witnesses NOT prophets because the name prophet has ended. even though they are still prophesying they are not called prophets, rather they are called WITNESSES. So this means there is a time when all prophecy ends and this time is even at the door since tribulation is on the cusp. So do not follow or listen to this guy other then the fact he seems to point people to read God's words and that is good. But there are so many today that claim this dream or that and in my opinion this is NOT from God. It is also not from God for any one to claim the office of prophecy in my opinion. The body of Christ is indeed moving AWAY from prophecy NOT toward it. The problem with this is there is no way to determine its truth, so stay away. He points to the bible pretty good but it is unscriptural for him, in my opinion, to claim the office of prophecy as he does. When people hear this today they place his words equal to the bible which contradicts the last verses in Revelation 22:18-19. No one is to add even one word in the bible. When someone claims they are a prophet many times they speak God's words and there is no way to double check or evaluate it. God gave us the bible to read because men could NOT be trusted in the teaching of God's words. Every prophecy till the very end tells exactly what will happen. In my opinion Ken Peters is misled, not purposely misleading people. But never the less still misleading. But I would stay away from that whole charismatic movement altogether as the time of these kind of prophets has ended. from here on out they will be called WITNESSES. The reason they are called Witnesses is they witness to God's words in the bible by quoting the bible. One thing that is assured. If they or others call themselves a prophet they are not a prophet. This is my scriptural opinion on this important matter.

God Bless

Brother RobertLeeRE

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

somebody go to youtube and type in tod512 and check out my video on the war of ezekiel 38

4:10 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

Tod, looks like you do quality work on your You Tube Videos. If your interested I can post some of your stuff, as guest material, on my three blogs with all credits and link backs to your site if your interested. I have a perfect teaching on Gog and Magog to post this one on.

God Bless,

Brother Robert LeeRE

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who has learned to trace the sources of human error,—of error, that foreigners." when himself in chief command.

6:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


9:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


9:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


9:46 AM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

Sister Fanny,

Thank-you for your wonderful comments, blessings and visit. I hope you will visit us more often and save us as one of the blogs you follow.

God Bless,

Brother RobertLeeRE

6:15 PM  
Anonymous grady said...

Could the enemy from the north be Ephraim and Menasseh? The false Jews......

2:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New York City will be destroyed by nuclear fire. New York City is the epicenter of capitalism and in order for the scarlet beast to implement the NWO of COMMUNISM...capitalism and namely the old system of the USA has to be completely eradicated. The deadly wound that healed IS communism, folks...and it's gaining ground again. We all thought it was dead but it will take most by complete suprise and with no opposition this time around (America), no one wIll be able to make war with it to stop it. With the destruction of New York/America and the resulting global economic crisis there will be complete chaos and suffering...the revived communist beast will use this chaos as an opportunity to appear as the only solution for mankind. Those who oppose the NWO will have a perilous time ahead...those who accept the NWO are doomed to be slaves. We are in the last days. The stage is set.

10:31 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

The Beast that is healed is communism. Hmmm...I like your thought process. One thing though. Remember the Beast and Babylon are two separate Beasts because one rides the other and they are defeated at separate times. The Beast is defeated by Jesus Christ at the end of Tribulation. Babylon the Great however is defeated by the Beast and God removing his protection. Another thing...Communism and Islam do go hand in hand. Islam are great believers in Socialism. These two go hand in hand. But I could see how Communism could fulfill those prophesies. Personally, I believe the repeat of arise of radical Islam is the beast that was once dead and is now alive. So your and my view are not that far off. Yes, I believe NYC will be one of many, possibly 4, back pack nukes that will be set off in America in the NEAR future...

9:31 AM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

Ephraim and Menasseh, as gentiles don't we all have a little of Ephraim and Menasseh in us? Just a thought. Scripture does tell us and Ephraim and Menasseh are never mentioned in the exact description. Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51.

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there. I was the anonymous user who posted about communism (just too lazy to make a profile). I agree with you completely about Babylon and the Beast being two seperate entities, afterall it is the beast along with the 10 kings who destroy Babylon....it seems this destruction is prior to the beast enforcing everyone to take the mark? I recognize America as modern day Babylon and cannot believe how many still do not see it...CRYSTAL clear to me! Even secular historians acknowledge it, although I doubt they believe she will be destroyed as it states in the Bible.

As far as Islam....I have to do more research. I do believe of course as mentioned earlier, that the revived beast is revived global communism, but communism has no tolerance whatsoever for religion and promotes atheism. I can't see how Islamic nations would accept communism. Communism however, is the direct opposite of capitalism and that is why it hates capitalistic America(Babylon)...so it is possible that the Islamic nations would join forces with communism because they have a common enemy. Perhaps the 10 kings are 10 radical Islamic nations.

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a book written by Toby Westerman about the communist revival - Islam alliance btw.

8:07 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

Some gems for those who have ears to ear:
As far as the Beast goes I think Revelation 20:4, 17:16, 18:6 & 9:18 nails it better than any other description of the beast in the bible. The Beast will be responsable for the beheading of large amounts of Christians and Jews during the Tribulation period, 20:4. This same Beast will defeat Babylon the great that many of us believe is America per an exact description, 18:1-24. 18:6 tells us America, Babylon the Great will have a double portion of nukes dropped on her head. 9:18 tells us this will be a plague of fire, smoke and sulfur that starts in America and spreads throughout the world once she falls. This same beast is described as like an army of locusts that neither go right or left but state in perfect marching order which if you watch any good oiled army machine is a true characteristic, like Hitlers armies or any dictator, . Joel says fire goes before them and leaps mountain tops, Joel 2:1-10. 9:18 says 1/3rd of all men will die from these horrible plagues during the tribulation period. We are talking post Rapture so according to the 10 virgins prophecy 1/2 the church raptured half left behind to minister to the world, meaning 6 billion so 2 billion will find death in this plague. This means both China and India must take heavy hits in this plague to be true. This means nuke missles are not enough for this prophecy to be fulfilled. The only thing that can fulfill this prophecy are suitcase or backpack nukes, nothing else...

9:03 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

This is part two of the above comment: So these say to me Islam is the Beast. According to Islam their awaited 12th Mahdi in Islamic Prophecy is an exact mirror image description of the biblical Antichrist. That is the Antichrist coming. i believe the Beast killed and revived in the biblical prophecies is a description of Islam in the 7th to 12th century when they almost ruled the world and almost swept western Europe. If not for the crusades they surely would have stamped out Christianity and we would all be Islamic right now. So the beast is Islam, America is Babylon the Great and the plagues of Fire, Smoke and Sulfur cannot be a nuclear war between USA and Russia or any other combination like China. Nothing adds up to 2 billion deaths as required by prophecy fro without China involved and without India involved the prophecy will never reach 2 billion deaths. So it has to involve something other than missle nuclear war but still must involve nukes. The only thing it can be is assembly line manufactured suitcase or backpack nukes which have been around in the world since the 1950's. So these are some gems that I plan to write more details in the future for those interested! :-) Backpak nukes can never be stopped by any country in the world. All cities throughout the world ill be nuked as Islam will quickly rise throughout the earth and the only person that will defeat Islam will be Jesus Christ-Judgement

10:47 PM  
Blogger thecomingwitnesses said...

Part three of my above comment:
There is another reason it must be backpack nukes. There are only 350 million in America, 250 million in Russia, 500 million in Europe. No matter what way you look at it the plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur MUST involve both India and China, the countries with the largest populations in the world. This is the dilemna in the proper interpretation of this prophecy...The problem with this is neither Russia nor USA considers these countries a threat or worth even nuking. It is not just that. We are talking 2 billion people. So even large amounts of people in these countries must die to reach the 2 billion deaths. The only answer is Islam sweeping into all the major cities of the earth with backpack nukes. And Islam is the only religion that teaches to do something like this.

11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi,people; wayne here......a..yep,tis true,,,america is babylon. however; remember, THE-king of the north; europe,..ah!of thu north;, or- FROM THE NORTH. bingo

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Wayne,
Thanks for visiting.
I don't think that is that significant prophecy wise other then how the scripture states Babylon the great will be defeated from the North. We are talking of the book of Revelation that gives huge amounts in a description on Babylon the great, Revelation 18;1-24 and there is even so much more in Revelation. These clear descriptions in Revelation of Babylon the Great are under the New Covenant. In fact one could say there is a very large portion in the book of Revelation with clear descriptions of the actual character of Babylon the Great. And even very large descriptions about where on earth Babylon the Great would be, all these point to America. On the other hand I do not see anything that says anything about Europe. There is one verse that says Israel will be attacked from the far north with a group of nations that surround Israel. This could be Russia and Islam. But this could also be Turkey and Islam or even Syria and Islam. I see nothing indicating Europe in scripture and everything indicating Islam which is in my other posts.

God Bless,

Brother RobertLeeRE

12:38 PM  

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