Sunday, September 10, 2006

Perhaps You Will Succeed President Bush, Perhaps You Will Cause Terror

Mystery, Babylon The Great, Mother of Prostitutes, and of the Abominations of The Earth, (Revelation 17:5) is prophesied by all the prophets of God to fall in one hour, (Revelation 18:17) one day from the prophesied enemies of Persia, (according to the CIA book of facts Iran was called by the world until 1938), Medes, ( Bible dictionary says the land of NW tip of Iran, also above that area in the Caucasus mountains NE of oil rich Caspian Sea area where Islamic chechneans are fighting for independence), Ararat, Minni, Ashkenaz, (Armenians, SE Turkey, NE Syria, Northern Iraq & NW Iran, (Jeremiah 51:27). I believe Russia, (Jeremiah 50:9) can also be put into this category of the Medes since Noah's ark, it is only logical that these Medes, (Jeremiah 51:11) and the Russians were immigrating back and forth over the last four thousand years. It is only logical the Medes probably migrated northward to what is called modern day Moscow which is only 250 miles north. Also, when you look at old old archeological busts of the Medes and their facial features they look exactly like the modern day Russians. This is why the Russians are so close to those in Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria. Their close cousins.

So the current situation in the American political scene is bickering. The republicans complain about the democrats. The republicans say "we will succeed, we have a plan, our plan is to set up a free government". Perhaps you will president Bush, perhaps you will.

The democrats complain also, they complain about the republicans. "Their just creating more terrorists" shout the democrats in their high shrill squeeky tone.

And both sides keep showing us the same tired old commercials over and over, never resolving anything. Our borders are wide open, our leaders indifferent to the plights that all of us work day in and day out paying taxes for there overly inflated salaries on both sides of the isles in congress. No one seems to be consulting God's prophets for advice. I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense to have borders so wide open and unprotected.

God spoke thru the prophet Isaiah 47:12 about Babylon the Great which is America. God says Perhaps you will succeed, perhaps you will cause terror.

Iv'e got news for everyone. Look up, for your savior is coming. Look down if unfortunately your king/tyrant is there. God's atonement and redemption is near and the judgement of mankind is coming.

Now here's the strange thing. These seem to be about the same enemies that attack both Israel and Babylon the Great, America. But if you think about it, it is very logical. America would never standby and let a nation like Russia and other Islamic armies attack Israel. We are too close of nations. America is the only nation that has consistantly voted with Israel since at the United Nations since UN recognized nationhood status in 1948. So Russia and these other nations attack both Babylon the Great (America) and Israel with in the same seven year period from the north. It appears scripture says America will be nuked somehow. God will not fight the battle for America for her judgement has already been written and the prophesies already are there. We already know what God does for Israel in this war.
(Ezekiel 38:4-6). Search the scriptures and you will clearly see it is there. First America will fall around 2012 after the rapture. In both attacks it is from the north and in both instances God describes the armies the same way, as a swarming dark cloud of locusts that eat and devoure everything. God stirs up Persia (Iran) from the east, (Isaiah 41:2), notice it also says they use a sword, this sword is Islam.


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