The Antichrist will be the 12th Mhadi, The False Prophet an Islamic Man Claiming (sic) he is the Returned Jesus Christ
Matthew 24:23-27 NIV | |||
Matthew 24:23-27 NIV Mattew 24:23-27. I added verse 26 and verse 27 into this expository because I felt without 26 & 27 some of the meaning is lost. Let us break bread and read scripture, here it is: 23At that time if anyone says to you, ' Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. 24For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect—if that were possible. 25See, I have told you ahead of time. 26"So if anyone tells you, 'There he is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it. 27For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Christ will not come as a humble servant, as a man this time. Christ is coming as a conquering king, as Lightening from one end of the sky to the other, Luke 17:24, Matthew 24:27. This day is also called the Day of the Lord. Verse 25 says Christ is warning us of something very special, very prophetic. Christ says in verse 26 that if anyone tells you there he is out in the desert do not go out or here he is in the inner rooms do not believe it. I believe this tells us and according to what we see now in history that the antichrist will rise up through Islam in the desert, the vast desert of the middle east. The same inner room says this same false Christ will be in the inner rooms. I have to study this more but I think it means the holy of holies at the temple which hasn't been rebuilt yet. Now here's the amazing part. Shiite Islam believes the 12th Mahdi is their coming Messiah and their prophecies of him are a direct mirror image of what the Christian prophecies teach are fulfillment of the Antichrist. Christianity teaches the Antichrist will rule the earth forcing all men to submit and worship his image, Shia Islam teaches this 12th Mhadi will force the world to submit to Islam ushering in one religion in the world, ruling the world as a dictator, beheading Christians and Jews with his holy Mhadi armies. All of Islam believes this 12th Mhadi (antichrist) will appear with a man calling himself Jesus Christ returned to earth again having descended as a man. According to their own prophecies this False Jesus will deny he ever said he was the Son and that the Christian Bible became corrupted and that God sent him back to earth to correct these mistakes, that God has no begotten Son. The Shiite believe this 12th Mhadi is actually their messiah that will usher in peace and prosperity forever and ever, after he kills all christians and jews that will not convert to the true christianity. This man that calls himself Jesus Christ will claim to have a new holy book that will be more correct than all the holy books and will have the correct version and corrections saying that Jesus Christ is not the Son of God, not begotten of God, for God has no son. Basicly the same things already written on the Dome of the Rock. Now here's the tricky part so listen closely. Their prophecies also state that this man, calls himself Jesus Christ, will be offered by the 12th Mahdi the opportunity to pray for the group but he will bow and submit himself to the 12th Mahdi saying the 12th Mahdi is more Godly, More holy and the 12th Mahdi should pray for them all. So here's the tricky part. The antichrist will be the 12 Mahdi. The false prophet will be the man that falsely calls himself Jesus Christ, descended as a man. The point being that the antichrist and false prophets appear to be coming from the desert. So here is my question for others. Where do you believe the antichrist is coming from? The book of revelation says the antichrist beheads Christians and Jews coming from a part of the world that still has real kings just east of the great Eurphrates River. Revelation 16:12-14 NIV
12 The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East. 13 Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty. These Antichrist kingdoms are coming from the great desert East of the great Euphrates river. The Euphrates river runs through Iraq, Syria and Turkey as shown and the map I drew it on up above.
Islam has been beheading Christians and Jews for fifty years now. Tell me what you believe without posting someone's sermon. I do not want to see any quotes except the new testament. For those Catholic church haters do not post anything about the pope or catholic church or I will just delete it. No hate, only real world prophetic interpretations. Tell me where you think and back it up with scripture!
Labels: Antichrist, False Prophet, RobertLeeRE, RobertLeeRE on Blogger
The Anti-Christ will not regard the faith of his father’s-: Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. Daniel 11:37 This is interesting. Wouldn’t a Mahdi, who is “prophesied” ( a Google search of “Prophetic Books” doesn’t mention the Quran) to come restore Islam over the Earth….BE ISLAMIC? So who was his Father? The Shia along with some Sunni Scholars believe that his father was Imam Hasan al-Askari. Sunni sources: Sahih al Tirmidhi v5 p137. Sunan Abu Dawud v4 p292. Al Mustadrak, by al Hakim v4 p 278 who said it is authentic based on the criteria of 2 Shaikhs (i.e. al Bukhari and Muslim). So how can a Muslim Mahdi who is the 12th descendant of Mohammad whose sole mission is to restore Islam on Earth… not worship the God of his father when his father is Muslim? An Imam. My research shows the fact that the Mahdi is Islamic, he comes from a blood lineage from Mohammed, he comes to restore Islam on Earth…. recognizing Allah. So I see no way an ‘Islamic’ Anti-Christ… who according to our Bible, “does not regard the God of his father” can possible work. The Mahdi of Islam as the antichrist of the Bible doesn’t fit this scripture. Fact: The Madhi is not mentioned in either the Koran or the Haddith. The term comes only from the writings of early church fathers.
The Anti-Christ will magnify HIMSELF above ALL. THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT! How can a Mahdi who is the Islamic SAVIOUR.…whose father was Islamic, who is a supernatural force….who’s mission it is to restore the whole world to Islam put himself above Allah? Many describe the supernatural aspects of the Mahdi to be similar to those of Jesus Christ. Yet Jesus never put himself above the Father in Heaven…This argument is similar to the argument against Preterism. In that Preterists believe Epiphanes to be the antichrist and the one the prophecies were written about….although Antiochus Epiphanies DID enter the Temple, and desecrate it, the problem for Preterism is Antioch Epiphanies once inside the Temple… set up a statue of Zeus and bowed down to it! So he did not put himself above all. Neither does or can the Mahdi. The argument of the Mahdi being the antichrist falls short here.
“HE SITS ON THE THRONE DECLARING HIMSELF TO BE GOD.”- This scripture from 2 Thess. 2:4 describes a man, the anti-christ, sitting in the newly re-built Temple in Jerusalem declaring himself to be God. Notice the scriptures doesn’t say declaring himself to be Allah, or a god, or a pagan idol, or a pagan god. But declares himself to be God. Paul did not give us the impression that the perpetrator-the AC, was stating that he was any other leader or god, other than the GOD OF THE BIBLE! Whoever this antichrist character is… he like Lucifer in Isaiah 14:13 “sets his throne above God.” I have to believe that this bold declaration comes from one who either claims to be a Christian, or is Christian-like enough in a world that respects Christianity OR A VERSION THERE OF…perhaps a blended, merged, unified, globalized, New-Age-ized, mingled, de-deified, form of united world religions under the guise of Christianity so as to fool even the elect….Islam will fool NO ONE….many shall leave the faith giving heed to a seducing spirit of….UNITY, GLOBAL PEACE with all religions, merged together under the most organized and influential and powerful and wealthy institutions on Earth….The Roman Catholic Church. Can you see that this scenario would cause many to be deceived…where as a old bearded Mullah screaming in Arabic to cut off everyone’s heads is not deceiving at all.
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